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Who is behind Healthy Happy Hippie Wellness?

My name is Lauren, I'm the human behind Healthy Happy Hippie Wellness! 

Read on to find out more!

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Hi! I'm Lauren, the human behind Healthy Happy Hippie Wellness. I am a compassionate, kind, humorous, free spirit, with a passion for helping women level up their wellness. I approach health and wellness from a holistic perspective. I prefer natural healing, but also know that modern medicine has its place in specific situations. I have a degree in Health Education from the University of Florida, and I am a certified 200-hr Yoga teacher and Reiki I practitioner. I am also working on a master's degree in Health & Wellness Education.


Why Wellness? As a late teen/young adult, I experienced health issue after issue, receiving multiple diagnoses. I struggled for some time and slowly began to do my own research on these health issues that had quite literally consumed my life. I wanted to take control of my health and begin to heal, even though it seemed like such a far-fetched dream; I thought for sure that I would be on disability by age 30.


Conventional medicine seemed helpful at the time, but had its limitations and always came with unnecessary side effects. In hindsight, all of that conventional medicine was a bandaid for the root cause (at the time no one knew the root cause). I was taking all of this conventional medicine and still unwell, still had a poor quality of life, still always in pain, missing work and fun events; it was not the typical life of a young woman in her late teens and early twenties. But, I was determined to figure it out myself because doctors either couldn't or wouldn't (I say that with NO hate for doctors, I love doctors and we need them, but the reality is that most are only trained in medicine, not root causes).


Over the years, through nutritional changes, physical activity, yoga, meditation, trauma healing, therapy, stress management, etc., I was able to experience this beautiful improvement in my quality of life that I never thought I could experience. My life finally felt like it was blossoming again- all naturally! I was able to get off of all of the conventional medication that I was prescribed (with the exception of one, which I am still determined to remove eventually).


I realized, "I can take control of the wheel and start driving this car of life"; I didn't have to let the car drive me.


Once I began to feel the fruits of my labor -this healing-, I wanted to help others do the same. I have always had a great passion for helping people. Sharing health education, empowering others to prioritize their wellness, and supporting them on their journey just seemed like the natural thing to do!


Over the years, I have expanded my healing journey into topics and practices like meditation, trauma healing, yoga, Reiki, Ayurveda, essential oils, functional nutrition, and stress management. To improve our wellness, we have to address our body, mind, and spirit. I am a believer in continuous growth and feel that wellness is a journey, not a destination; there will be ebbs and flows, highs and lows, and ups and downs...we can build our own wellness toolbox to help guide us along the way.


Join me in creating a community for sharing health information, empowerment, and support, as we all navigate this journey of wellness!

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